Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Egyptian Oracle: Virtual Reality Puppet Experience!

The Egyptian Oracle by Public VR
Friday, May 20th, 7PM

About the performance: "The Egyptian Oracle" is an immersive educational experience that recreates an important religious event from the Ptolemaic Period. By projecting a Virtual Egyptian Temple onto a wall real space merges with virtual space, creating a shared continuum for audience and actors. The star is a virtual High Priest, controlled by a human puppeteer (PST Artist in Residence Brad Shur) interacting with a live actor (PST staff member Brenda Huggins) and the audience, who role-play as the Egyptian populace. The high priest queries the spirit of the temple god which is embodied in a ceremonial boat carried by eight assistants. Fortunes will be told, judgments made, and blessings given. We will film the event, ask audience members what they learned, and have a general discussion afterward, all totaling 90 minutes. This experimental work was made possible by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the performance venues in Boston and Pittsburgh. More information at

About Public VR: PublicVR is dedicated to the advancement of virtual reality in education, the arts, and human factors research. They produce free software, supporting materials, and conduct research studies reported in scholarly publications. They also support installations in museums, art galleries, and research facilities. PublicVR is a non-profit (501c3) corporation funded by grants, donations, and volunteer efforts.


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